Basic ===== Installation ------------ Install Flask-Milligram from PyPI: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install flask-milligram Initialization -------------- .. code-block:: python from flask_milligram import Milligram from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) milligram = Milligram(app) Flask-Milligram also supports factory pattern. For example: .. code-block:: python def create_app(config_filename): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_pyfile(config_filename) # import Milligram instance from another file like milligram.init_app(app) Read `Flask documentation `_ for more details. Load Resources ----------------- Flask-Milligram provides two methods to load related resources in the template: ``load_css()`` and ``load_js()``. Call them in your base template first: .. code-block:: jinja .... {{ milligram.load_css() }} ... {{ milligram.load_js() }} By default, normalize.css and milligram.css will be loaded from CDN. You can also set ``MILLIGRAM_SERVE_LOCAL`` to ``True`` to use built-in local files. Please note that these two methods are not optional, that is to say, Flask-Milligram won't work without the specific resources — milligram-extensions.css and milligram-extensions.js. However, you can customize them anytime you want. Base Template ---------------- Here is an example base template you can use: .. code-block:: html {% block head %} {% block styles %} {{ milligram.load_css() }} {% endblock %} Page title {% endblock %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ milligram.load_js() }} {% endblock %} .. _macros_list: Macros ------ +---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Macro | Templates Path | Description | +===========================+================================+========================================+ | render_navbar() | milligram/nav.html | Render a navigation header | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | render_breadcrumb() | milligram/nav.html | Render a navigation breadcrumb | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | render_pagination() | milligram/pagination.html | Render a Flask-SQLAlchemy pagniantion | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | render_badge() | milligram/utilities.html | Render a badge | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ Import the macros above from the corresponding path and call them in template engine: .. code-block:: jinja {% from 'milligram/pagination.html' import render_pagination %} {{ render_pagination(pagination) }} Go to the :doc:`macros` page to see more details. .. _configurations_list: Configurations -------------- +-----------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Configuration Variable | Default Value | Description | +=============================+======================+===============================================================================+ | MILLIGRAM_SERVE_LOCAL | ``False`` | If set to ``True``, local resources will be used for ``load_css`` methods. | +-----------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+